multi 2014

1st Int. Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling.
Satellite event of MODELS'2014. Valencia (Spain).

Call for Papers

Workshop program

Sunday September 28, 2014. Program in [PDF].
The proceedings of MULTI are published as Volume 1286 of CEUR
09:00    10:30 Session 1
09:00    09:15  Welcome
09:15    09:45   Invited Talk: "What is Multi-Level Modeling?".
Cesar Gonzalez Perez 
09:45    10:30 Plenary Discussion
10:30    11:00 Coffee Break
11:00    12:30 Session 2
11:00    11:15 "Abstract vs Concrete Clabjects in Dual Deep Instantiation".
Neumayr and Schrefl 
11:15    11:30  "On Metamodel Superstructures Employing UML Generalization Features".
Gogolla, Sedlmeier, Hamann and Hilken
11:30    11:45 "Instance Specialization – a Pattern for Multi-level Meta Modelling".
Jahn, Roth and Jablonski
11:45    12:00 "An Implementation of Multi-Level Modelling in F-Logic".
Igamberdiev, Grossmann and Stumptner
12:00    12:15 "A Foundation for Multi-Level Modelling".
Clark, Gonzalez Perez and Henderson-Sellers
12:15    12:30    "Comparing Multi-Level Modeling Approaches".
Atkinson, Gerbig and Kuehne
12:30    14:00 Lunch
14:00    15:30 Session 3
14:00    14:15 "Towards Automating the Analysis of Integrity Constraints in Multi-level Models".
Guerra and de Lara
14:15    14:30 "Towards Flexible, Incremental, and Paradigm-agnostic Consistency Checking in Multi-level Modeling Environments".
Demuth, Riedl-Ehrenleitner and Egyed
14:30    14:45 "Multi-Level Modelling in the Modelverse".
Van Mierlo, Barroca, Vangheluwe, Syriani and Kuehne
14:45    15:00  "Multilevel Modelling for Interoperability".
Jordan, Mayer and Stumptner
15:00    15:15 "Using Multi Level-Modeling Techniques for Managing Mapping Information".
Al-Hilank, Jung, Kips, Husemann and Philippsen
15:15    15:30 "Modeling Techniques for Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Experiences from Practice".
Trojer, Farwick and Haeusler
15:30    16:00 Coffee Break
16:00    17:00 Session 4
16:00    16:50 Plenary Discussion
16:50    17:00 Wrap Up