These are the steps to install Merlin (Windows is recommended):
- Download a clean Eclipse copy if you do not have one. Make sure to select the "modelling tools" version.
- Click on Help/Install new Software and add this update site.
First steps
These steps will show you the basic functioning of Merlin:
- Download and unzip an example transformation product line, for example the Petri nets transformation product line.
- Right click on eclipse's package explorer and select import/existing projects into workspace, and then select the folder you unzipped the archive into.
- You should have now the project with the Petri Nets product line. You can see the feature model by clicking on file model.xml.
- The 150% meta-model of the product line is PetriNets.ecore. You can right-click on it, and select Merlin/Validate Ecore syntax to check if everything is correct.
- You can analyse the transformation product line by right-clicking on PetriNets.ecore and selecting Merlin/Analyse transformations.
- You can generate all transformations in the product line by right-clicking on PetriNets.ecore, then Merlin/Generate products, and then selecting one of the transformations to generate (see folder products). Alternatively, you may wish to select one transformation to be generated (typically a configuration in folder configs).
Support or Contact
If you have any trouble installing or using Merlin, you can contact
merlin at miso dot es