Our group is active in the participation in research projects, as well as transferring MDE technology to companies.
- FINESSE: Foundations for augmented trustworthy low-code software development (2022-2025).
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science.
- SATORI: Foundations for automated chatbot development (2022-2024). In collaboration with the Models and Languages Lab from the University of Murcia.
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science.
- FORTE-CM: "FORTE: FORmal models and Technologies for Emerging applications" (2019-2023).
- Lowcomote: "training the next generation of experts in scalable low-code engineering platforms"(2019-2023), Innovative Training Network (ITN). (See our vacancies here).
- Sponsored by the European Union (H2020). Joint project with Ecole Mines Nantes, The University of York, Uniersity of L'Aquila, TU Wien, British Telecom, Intecs, ugound, CLMS, IncQuery, The Open Group, MetaDev, Parallels, Sparx Systems.
We have had joint projects with the following companies.
- The European Space Agency (ESA). EVEREST: "Evaluation and Validation of Electromagnetic Software, Test Facilities and Test Standard in Europe to Predict and Test RF Breakdown and Passive Intermodulation" (2009-...).
- Almira Labs (2011-...).
- CAF Signalling (2012-2013).
- MONDO: "Scalable Modelling and Model Management on the Cloud" (2013-2016).
- Sponsored by the European Union (FP7-ICT). Joint project with The Open Group, The University of York (Enterprise Systems Group), The Ecole de Mines de Nantes (AtlanMod team), The Budapest University of Technology and Economics, IKERLAN, SOFTEAM, UNINOVA and SOFT-MAINT.
- Models for the masses (MASSIVE): Engineering adaptive software by and for the people in a highly connected world (2019-2022).
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science.
- Flexor: "Flexible Model-Driven Engineering for mobile, open, dynamic data systems" (01/2015-12/2018).
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity.
- Go-Lite: "Engineering Complex Systems with Simpler Model Driven Engineering" (2012-2015).
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity.
- METEORIC: "Meta-Tool Environments for Model-Oriented Collaborative Web Applications" (2009-2011).
- Sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science.
- SICOMORO: "Desarrollo de Sistemas Confiables mediante Modelos y Herramientas avanzadas" (2014-2018).
- Sponsored by the region of Madrid. Joint project with TER (UCM), COSTA (UCM and UPM), and Kybele (URJC).
- e-Madrid (2011-2014).
- Sponsored by the region of Madrid.